# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@Time : 2023/05/21 16:23
@Author : itlubber
@Site : itlubber.art
import os
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scorecardpy as sc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import toad
import scipy
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.utils._array_api import get_namespace
from sklearn.utils.extmath import safe_sparse_dot
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, ClassifierMixin
from .utils import *
from .processing import *
[文档]class ITLubberLogisticRegression(LogisticRegression):
[文档] def __init__(self, target="target", penalty="l2", calculate_stats=True, dual=False, tol=0.0001, C=1.0, fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, class_weight=None, random_state=None, solver="lbfgs", max_iter=100, multi_class="auto", verbose=0, warm_start=False, n_jobs=None, l1_ratio=None, ):
"""ITLubberLogisticRegression,继承 sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression 方法,增加了统计性描述相关的内容输出,核心实现逻辑参考:https://github.com/ing-bank/skorecard/blob/main/skorecard/linear_model/linear_model.py#L11
:param target: 数据集中标签名称,默认 target
:param calculate_stats: 是否在训练模型时记录模型统计信息,默认 True,可以通过 summary 方法输出相关统计信息
:param tol: 停止求解的标准,float类型,默认为1e-4
:param C: 正则化系数λ的倒数,float类型,默认为1.0,必须是正浮点型数,值越小惩罚越大
:param fit_intercept: 是否存在截距或偏差,bool类型,默认为True
:param class_weight: 类型权重参数,默认 None,支持传入 dict or balanced,当设置 balanced 时,权重计算方式:n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))
:param solver: 求解器设置,默认 lbfgs。对于小型数据集来说,选择 liblinear 更好;对于大型数据集来说,saga 或者 sag 会更快一些。对于多类问题我们只能使用 newton-cg、sag、saga、lbfgs。对于正则化来说,newton-cg、lbfgs 和 sag 只能用于L2正则化(因为这些优化算法都需要损失函数的一阶或者二阶连续导数, 因此无法用于没有连续导数的L1正则化);而 liblinear,saga 则可处理L1正则化。newton-cg 是牛顿家族中的共轭梯度法,lbfgs 是一种拟牛顿法,sag 则是随机平均梯度下降法,saga 是随机优化算法,liblinear 是坐标轴下降法。
:param penalty: 惩罚项,默认 l2,可选 l1、l2,solver 为 newton-cg、sag 和 lbfgs 时只支持L2,L1假设的是模型的参数满足拉普拉斯分布,L2假设的模型参数满足高斯分布
:param intercept_scaling: 仅在 solver 选择 liblinear 并且 fit_intercept 设置为 True 的时候才有用
:param dual: 对偶或原始方法,bool类型,默认为False,对偶方法只用在求解线性多核(liblinear)的L2惩罚项上。当样本数量>样本特征的时候,dual通常设置为False
:param random_state: 随机数种子,int类型,可选参数,默认为无,仅在 solver 为 sag 和 liblinear 时有用
:param max_iter: 算法收敛最大迭代次数,int类型,默认 100。只在 solver 为 newton-cg、sag 和 lbfgs 时有用
:param multi_class: 分类方法参数选择,默认 auto,可选 ovr、multinomial,如果分类问题是二分类问题,那么这两个参数的效果是一样的,主要体现在多分类问题上
:param verbose: 日志级别,当 solver 为 liblinear、lbfgs 时设置为任意正数显示详细计算过程
:param warm_start: 热启动参数,bool类型,表示是否使用上次的模型结果作为初始化,默认为 False
:param n_jobs: 并行运算数量,默认为1,如果设置为-1,则表示将电脑的cpu全部用上
:param l1_ratio: 弹性网络参数,其中0 <= l1_ratio <=1,仅当 penalty 为 elasticnet 时有效
>>> feature_pipeline = Pipeline([
>>> ("preprocessing_select", FeatureSelection(target=target, engine="scorecardpy")),
>>> ("combiner", Combiner(target=target, min_samples=0.2)),
>>> ("transform", WOETransformer(target=target)),
>>> ("processing_select", FeatureSelection(target=target, engine="scorecardpy")),
>>> ("stepwise", StepwiseSelection(target=target)),
>>> # ("logistic", LogisticClassifier(target=target)),
>>> ("logistic", ITLubberLogisticRegression(target=target)),
>>> ])
>>> feature_pipeline.fit(train)
>>> summary = feature_pipeline.named_steps['logistic'].summary()
>>> summary
Coef. Std.Err z P>|z| [ 0.025 0.975 ] VIF
const -0.8511 0.0991 -8.5920 0.0000 -1.0452 -0.6569 1.0600
credit_history 0.8594 0.1912 4.4954 0.0000 0.4847 1.2341 1.0794
age_in_years 0.6176 0.2936 2.1032 0.0354 0.0421 1.1932 1.0955
savings_account_and_bonds 0.8842 0.2408 3.6717 0.0002 0.4122 1.3563 1.0331
credit_amount 0.7027 0.2530 2.7771 0.0055 0.2068 1.1987 1.1587
status_of_existing_checking_account 0.6891 0.1607 4.2870 0.0000 0.3740 1.0042 1.0842
personal_status_and_sex 0.8785 0.5051 1.7391 0.0820 -0.1116 1.8685 1.0113
purpose 1.1370 0.2328 4.8844 0.0000 0.6807 1.5932 1.0282
present_employment_since 0.7746 0.3247 2.3855 0.0171 0.1382 1.4110 1.0891
installment_rate_in_percentage_of_disposable_income 1.3785 0.3434 4.0144 0.0001 0.7055 2.0515 1.0300
duration_in_month 0.9310 0.1986 4.6876 0.0000 0.5417 1.3202 1.1636
other_installment_plans 0.8521 0.3459 2.4637 0.0138 0.1742 1.5301 1.0117
housing 0.8251 0.4346 1.8983 0.0577 -0.0268 1.6770 1.0205
super().__init__(penalty=penalty, dual=dual, tol=tol, C=C, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, intercept_scaling=intercept_scaling, class_weight=class_weight, random_state=random_state, solver=solver, max_iter=max_iter, multi_class=multi_class, verbose=verbose, warm_start=warm_start, n_jobs=n_jobs, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, )
self.target = target
self.calculate_stats = calculate_stats
[文档] def fit(self, x, sample_weight=None, **kwargs):
:param x: 训练数据集,需包含目标变量
:param sample_weight: 样本权重,参考:https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression.html#sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression.fit
:param kwargs: 其他逻辑回归模型训练参数
:return: ITLubberLogisticRegression,训练完成的逻辑回归模型
y = x[self.target]
x = x.drop(columns=[self.target])
if not self.calculate_stats:
return super().fit(x, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, **kwargs)
x = self.convert_sparse_matrix(x)
if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame):
self.names_ = ["const"] + [f for f in x.columns]
self.names_ = ["const"] + [f"x{i}" for i in range(x.shape[1])]
lr = super().fit(x, y, sample_weight=sample_weight, **kwargs)
predProbs = self.predict_proba(x)
# Design matrix -- add column of 1's at the beginning of your x matrix
if lr.fit_intercept:
x_design = np.hstack([np.ones((x.shape[0], 1)), x])
x_design = x
self.vif = [variance_inflation_factor(np.matrix(x_design), i) for i in range(x_design.shape[-1])]
p = np.product(predProbs, axis=1)
self.cov_matrix_ = np.linalg.inv((x_design * p[..., np.newaxis]).T @ x_design)
std_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.cov_matrix_)).reshape(1, -1)
# In case fit_intercept is set to True, then in the std_error array
# Index 0 corresponds to the intercept, from index 1 onwards it relates to the coefficients
# If fit intercept is False, then all the values are related to the coefficients
if lr.fit_intercept:
self.std_err_intercept_ = std_err[:, 0]
self.std_err_coef_ = std_err[:, 1:][0]
self.z_intercept_ = self.intercept_ / self.std_err_intercept_
# Get p-values under the gaussian assumption
self.p_val_intercept_ = scipy.stats.norm.sf(abs(self.z_intercept_)) * 2
self.std_err_intercept_ = np.array([np.nan])
self.std_err_coef_ = std_err[0]
self.z_intercept_ = np.array([np.nan])
# Get p-values under the gaussian assumption
self.p_val_intercept_ = np.array([np.nan])
self.z_coef_ = self.coef_ / self.std_err_coef_
self.p_val_coef_ = scipy.stats.norm.sf(abs(self.z_coef_)) * 2
return self
[文档] def decision_function(self, x):
:param x: 需要预测的数据集,可以包含目标变量,会根据列名进行判断,如果包含会删除相关特征
:return: np.ndarray,预测结果
if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame) and self.target in x.columns:
x = x.drop(columns=self.target)
xp, _ = get_namespace(x)
x = self._validate_data(x, accept_sparse="csr", reset=False)
scores = safe_sparse_dot(x, self.coef_.T, dense_output=True) + self.intercept_
return xp.reshape(scores, (-1,)) if scores.shape[1] == 1 else scores
[文档] def corr(self, data, save=None, annot=True):
:param data: 需要画特征相关性图的数据集
:param save: 图片保存的地址,如果传入路径中有文件夹不存在,会新建相关文件夹,默认 None
:param annot: 是否在图中显示相关性的数值,默认 True
corr_plot(data.drop(columns=[self.target]), save=save, annot=annot)
[文档] def report(self, data):
:param data: 需要评估的数据集
:return: pd.DataFrame,模型报告,包含准确率、F1等指标,参考:https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.metrics.classification_report.html
report_dict = classification_report(data[self.target], self.predict(data.drop(columns=self.target)), output_dict=True, target_names=["好客户", "坏客户"])
accuracy = report_dict.pop("accuracy")
_report = pd.DataFrame(report_dict).T.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "desc"})
_report.loc[len(_report)] = ['accuracy', '', '', accuracy, len(data)]
return _report
[文档] def summary(self):
:return: pd.DataFrame,逻辑回归模型统计信息
- `Coef.`: 逻辑回归入模特征系数
- `Std.Err`: 标准误差
- `z`: Z检验统计量
- `P>|z|`: P值
- `[ 0.025`: 置信区间下界
- `0.975 ]`: 置信区间上界
- `VIF`: 膨胀方差因子
>>> summary = logistic.summary()
>>> summary
Coef. Std.Err z P>|z| [ 0.025 0.975 ] VIF
const -0.8511 0.0991 -8.5920 0.0000 -1.0452 -0.6569 1.0600
credit_history 0.8594 0.1912 4.4954 0.0000 0.4847 1.2341 1.0794
age_in_years 0.6176 0.2936 2.1032 0.0354 0.0421 1.1932 1.0955
savings_account_and_bonds 0.8842 0.2408 3.6717 0.0002 0.4122 1.3563 1.0331
credit_amount 0.7027 0.2530 2.7771 0.0055 0.2068 1.1987 1.1587
status_of_existing_checking_account 0.6891 0.1607 4.2870 0.0000 0.3740 1.0042 1.0842
personal_status_and_sex 0.8785 0.5051 1.7391 0.0820 -0.1116 1.8685 1.0113
purpose 1.1370 0.2328 4.8844 0.0000 0.6807 1.5932 1.0282
present_employment_since 0.7746 0.3247 2.3855 0.0171 0.1382 1.4110 1.0891
installment_rate_in_percentage_of_disposable_income 1.3785 0.3434 4.0144 0.0001 0.7055 2.0515 1.0300
duration_in_month 0.9310 0.1986 4.6876 0.0000 0.5417 1.3202 1.1636
other_installment_plans 0.8521 0.3459 2.4637 0.0138 0.1742 1.5301 1.0117
housing 0.8251 0.4346 1.8983 0.0577 -0.0268 1.6770 1.0205
if not hasattr(self, "std_err_coef_"):
msg = "Summary statistics were not calculated on .fit(). Options to fix:\n"
msg += "\t- Re-fit using .fit(X, y, calculate_stats=True)\n"
msg += "\t- Re-inititialize using LogisticRegression(calculate_stats=True)"
raise AssertionError(msg)
data = {
"Coef.": (self.intercept_.tolist() + self.coef_.tolist()[0]),
"Std.Err": (self.std_err_intercept_.tolist() + self.std_err_coef_.tolist()),
"z": (self.z_intercept_.tolist() + self.z_coef_.tolist()[0]),
"P>|z|": (self.p_val_intercept_.tolist() + self.p_val_coef_.tolist()[0]),
stats = pd.DataFrame(data, index=self.names_)
stats["[ 0.025"] = stats["Coef."] - 1.96 * stats["Std.Err"]
stats["0.975 ]"] = stats["Coef."] + 1.96 * stats["Std.Err"]
stats["VIF"] = self.vif
return stats
[文档] def summary2(self, feature_map={}):
"""summary 的基础上,支持传入数据字典,输出带有特征释义的统计信息表
:param feature_map: 数据字典,默认 {}
:return: pd.DataFrame,逻辑回归模型统计信息
stats = self.summary().reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "Features"})
if feature_map is not None and len(feature_map) > 0:
stats.insert(loc=1, column="Describe", value=[feature_map.get(c, "") for c in stats["Features"]])
return stats
[文档] @staticmethod
def convert_sparse_matrix(x):
if scipy.sparse.issparse(x):
return x.toarray()
return x
[文档] def plot_weights(self, save=None, figsize=(15, 8), fontsize=14, color=["#2639E9", "#F76E6C", "#FE7715"]):
:param save: 图片保存的地址,如果传入路径中有文件夹不存在,会新建相关文件夹,默认 None
:param figsize: 图片大小,默认 (15, 8)
:param fontsize: 字体大小,默认 14
:param color: 图片主题颜色,默认即可
:return: Figure
summary = self.summary()
x = summary["Coef."]
y = summary.index
lower_error = summary["Coef."] - summary["[ 0.025"]
upper_error = summary["0.975 ]"] - summary["Coef."]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize)
ax.errorbar(x, y, xerr=[lower_error, upper_error], fmt="o", ecolor=color[0], elinewidth=2, capthick=2, capsize=4, ms=6, mfc=color[0], mec=color[0])
# ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=0, grid_color="#FFFFFF", labelsize=fontsize)
# ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelrotation=0, grid_color="#FFFFFF", labelsize=fontsize)
ax.axvline(0, color=color[0], linestyle='--', ymax=len(y), alpha=0.5)
ax.set_title("Regression Meta Analysis - Weight Plot\n", fontsize=fontsize, fontweight="bold")
ax.set_xlabel("Weight Estimates", fontsize=fontsize, weight="bold")
ax.set_ylabel("Variable", fontsize=fontsize, weight="bold")
if save:
if os.path.dirname(save) != "" and not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(save)):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save), exist_ok=True)
plt.savefig(save, dpi=240, format="png", bbox_inches="tight")
return fig
[文档]class ScoreCard(toad.ScoreCard, TransformerMixin):
[文档] def __init__(self, target="target", pdo=60, rate=2, base_odds=35, base_score=750, combiner={}, transer=None, pretrain_lr=None, pipeline=None, **kwargs):
:param target: 数据集中标签名称,默认 target
:param pdo: odds 每增加 rate 倍时减少 pdo 分,默认 60
:param rate: 倍率
:param base_odds: 基础 odds,通常根据业务经验设置的基础比率(违约概率/正常概率),估算方法:(1-样本坏客户占比)/坏客户占比,默认 35,即 35:1 => 0.972 => 坏样本率 2.8%
:param base_score: 基础 odds 对应的分数,默认 750
:param combiner: 分箱转换器,传入 pipeline 时可以为None
:param transer: woe转换器,传入 pipeline 时可以为None
:param pretrain_lr: 预训练好的逻辑回归模型,可以不传
:param pipeline: 训练好的 pipeline,必须包含 Combiner 和 WOETransformer
:param kwargs: 其他相关参数,具体参考 toad.ScoreCard
if pipeline:
combiner = self.class_steps(pipeline, Combiner)[0]
transer = self.class_steps(pipeline, WOETransformer)[0]
if self.class_steps(pipeline, (ITLubberLogisticRegression, LogisticRegression)):
pretrain_lr = self.class_steps(pipeline, (ITLubberLogisticRegression, LogisticRegression))[0]
combiner=combiner.combiner if isinstance(combiner, Combiner) else combiner, transer=transer.transformer if isinstance(transer, WOETransformer) else transer,
pdo=pdo, rate=rate, base_odds=base_odds, base_score=base_score, **kwargs
self.target = target
self.pipeline = pipeline
self.pretrain_lr = pretrain_lr
[文档] def fit(self, x):
:param x: 转换为 WOE 后的训练数据,需包含目标变量
:return: ScoreCard,训练好的评分卡模型
y = x[self.target]
if self.pretrain_lr:
x = x[self.pretrain_lr.feature_names_in_]
x = x.drop(columns=[self.target])
self._feature_names = x.columns.tolist()
for f in self.features_:
if f not in self.transer:
raise Exception('column \'{f}\' is not in transer'.format(f=f))
if self.pretrain_lr:
self.model = self.pretrain_lr
self.model.fit(x, y)
self.rules = self._generate_rules()
sub_score = self.woe_to_score(x)
self.base_effect = pd.Series(np.median(sub_score, axis=0), index=self.features_)
return self
def _check_rules(self, combiner, transer):
:param combiner: 特征分箱器
:param transer: WOE转换器
:return: bool,是否通过检验
for col in self.features_:
if col not in combiner:
raise Exception('column \'{col}\' is not in combiner'.format(col=col))
if col not in transer:
raise Exception('column \'{col}\' is not in transer'.format(col=col))
l_c = len(combiner[col])
l_t = len(transer[col]['woe'])
if l_c == 0:
if np.issubdtype(combiner[col].dtype, np.number):
if l_c != l_t - 1:
if np.isnan(combiner[col]).sum() > 0:
combiner.update({col: combiner[col][:-1]})
raise Exception('column \'{col}\' is not matched, assert {l_t} bins but given {l_c}'.format(col=col, l_t=l_t, l_c=l_c + 1))
if l_c != l_t:
if sum([sum([1 for b in r if b in ("nan", "None")]) for r in combiner[col]]) > 0:
combiner.update({col: [[np.nan if b == "nan" else (None if b == "None" else b) for b in r] for r in combiner[col]]})
self._check_rules(combiner, transer)
raise Exception('column \'{col}\' is not matched, assert {l_t} bins but given {l_c}'.format(col=col, l_t=l_t, l_c=l_c))
return True
[文档] @staticmethod
def score_clip(score, clip=50):
:param score: 评分数据
:param clip: 区间间隔
:return: list,评分分箱规则
clip_start = max(math.ceil(score.min() / clip) * clip, math.ceil(score.quantile(0.01) / clip) * clip)
clip_end = min(math.ceil(score.max() / clip) * clip, math.ceil(score.quantile(0.99) / clip) * clip)
return [i for i in range(clip_start, clip_end, clip)]
[文档] def scorecard_scale(self):
"""输出评分卡基准信息,包含 base_odds、base_score、rate、pdo、A、B
:return: pd.DataFrame,评分卡基准信息
scorecard_kedu = pd.DataFrame(
["base_odds", self.base_odds, "根据业务经验设置的基础比率(违约概率/正常概率),估算方法:(1-样本坏客户占比)/坏客户占比"],
["base_score", self.base_score, "基础ODDS对应的分数"],
["rate", self.rate, "设置分数的倍率"],
["pdo", self.pdo, "表示分数增长PDO时,ODDS值增长到RATE倍"],
["B", self.factor, "补偿值,计算方式:pdo / ln(rate)"],
["A", self.offset, "刻度,计算方式:base_score - B * ln(base_odds)"],
columns=["刻度项", "刻度值", "备注"],
return scorecard_kedu
[文档] def scorecard_points(self, feature_map={}):
:param feature_map: 数据字典,默认 {},传入入模特征的数据字典,输出信息中将增加一列 变量含义
:return: pd.DataFrame,评分卡分箱信息
card_points = self.export(to_frame=True).rename(columns={"name": "变量名称", "value": "变量分箱", "score": "对应分数"})
if feature_map is not None and len(feature_map) > 0:
card_points.insert(loc=1, column="变量含义", value=[feature_map.get(c, "") for c in card_points["变量名称"]])
return card_points
[文档] def scorecard2pmml(self, pmml: str = 'scorecard.pmml', debug: bool = False):
"""转换评分卡模型为本地 PMML 文件,使用本功能需要提前在环境中安装 jdk 1.8+ 以及 sklearn2pmml 库
:param pmml: 保存 PMML 模型文件的路径
:param debug: bool,是否开启调试模式,默认 False,当设置为 True 时,会返回评分卡 pipeline,同时显示转换细节
:return: sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline,当设置 debug 为 True 时,返回评分卡 pipeline
from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn2pmml import sklearn2pmml, PMMLPipeline
from sklearn2pmml.preprocessing import LookupTransformer, ExpressionTransformer
mapper = []
samples = {}
for var, rule in self.rules.items():
end_string = ''
expression_string = ''
total_bins = len(rule['scores'])
if isinstance(rule['bins'][0], (np.ndarray, list)):
default_value = 0.
mapping = {}
for bins, score in zip(rule['bins'], rule['scores'].tolist()):
for _bin in bins:
if pd.isnull(_bin) or _bin == 'nan':
default_value = float(score)
mapping[_bin] = float(score)
LookupTransformer(mapping=mapping, default_value=default_value),
samples[var] = [list(mapping.keys())[i] for i in np.random.randint(0, len(mapping), 20)]
has_empty = len(rule['bins']) > 0 and pd.isnull(rule['bins'][-1])
if has_empty:
score_empty = rule['scores'][-1]
total_bins -= 1
bin_scores = rule['scores'][:-1]
bin_vars = rule['bins'][:-1]
expression_string += f'{score_empty} if pandas.isnull(X[0]) '
bin_scores = rule['scores']
bin_vars = rule['bins']
for i in range(len(bin_scores)):
if i == 0:
_expression_string = f'{bin_scores[i]}'
elif i == total_bins - 1:
_expression_string += f' if X[0] < {bin_vars[i - 1]} else {bin_scores[i]}'
_expression_string += f' if X[0] < {bin_vars[i - 1]} else ({bin_scores[i]} '
end_string += ')'
_expression_string += end_string
if has_empty:
expression_string += f'else ({_expression_string})' if _expression_string.count('else') > 0 else _expression_string
expression_string += _expression_string
samples[var] = np.random.random(20) * 100
scorecard_mapper = DataFrameMapper(mapper, df_out=True)
pipeline = PMMLPipeline([
('preprocessing', scorecard_mapper),
('scorecard', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)),
pipeline.fit(pd.DataFrame(samples), pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 2, 20), name='score'))
pipeline.named_steps['scorecard'].coef_ = np.ones(len(scorecard_mapper.features))
sklearn2pmml(pipeline, pmml, with_repr=True, debug=debug)
import traceback
return pipeline
if debug:
return pipeline
[文档] @staticmethod
def KS_bucket(y_pred, y_true, bucket=10, method="quantile"):
:param y_pred: 模型预测结果,传入评分卡预测的评分或LR预测的概率
:param y_true: 样本好坏标签
:param bucket: 分箱数量,默认 10
:param method: 分箱方法,支持 chi、dt、quantile、step、kmeans,默认 quantile
:return: 评分卡分箱后的统计信息,推荐直接使用 feature_bin_stats 方法
return toad.metrics.KS_bucket(y_pred, y_true, bucket=bucket, method=method)
[文档] @staticmethod
def KS(y_pred, y_true):
"""计算 KS 指标
:param y_pred: 模型预测结果,传入评分卡预测的评分或LR预测的概率
:param y_true: 样本好坏标签
:return: float,KS 指标
return toad.metrics.KS(y_pred, y_true)
[文档] @staticmethod
def AUC(y_pred, y_true):
"""计算 AUC 指标
:param y_pred: 模型预测结果,传入评分卡预测的评分或LR预测的概率
:param y_true: 样本好坏标签
:return: float,AUC 指标
return toad.metrics.AUC(y_pred, y_true)
[文档] @staticmethod
def perf_eva(y_pred, y_true, title="", plot_type=["ks", "roc"], save=None, figsize=(14, 6)):
:param y_pred: 模型预测结果,传入评分卡预测的评分或LR预测的概率
:param y_true: 样本好坏标签
:param title: 图像标题
:param plot_type: 画图的类型,可选 ks、auc、lift、pr
:param save: 图片保存的地址,如果传入路径中有文件夹不存在,会新建相关文件夹,默认 None
:param figsize: 图像尺寸大小,传入一个tuple,默认 (14, 6)
:return: dict,包含 ks、auc、gini、figure
# plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
rt = sc.perf_eva(y_true, y_pred, title=title, plot_type=plot_type, show_plot=True)
if save:
if os.path.dirname(save) != "" and not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(save)):
rt["pic"].savefig(save, dpi=240, format="png", bbox_inches="tight")
return rt
[文档] @staticmethod
def ks_plot(score, y_true, title="", fontsize=14, figsize=(16, 8), save=None, **kwargs):
"""数值特征 KS曲线 & ROC曲线
:param score: 数值特征,通常为评分卡分数
:param y_true: 标签值
:param title: 图像标题
:param fontsize: 字体大小,默认 14
:param figsize: 图像大小,默认 (16, 8)
:param save: 图片保存的地址,如果传入路径中有文件夹不存在,会新建相关文件夹,默认 None
:param kwargs: 其他参数,参考:scorecardpipeline.utils.hist_plot
ks_plot(score, y_true, title=title, fontsize=fontsize, figsize=figsize, save=save, **kwargs)
[文档] @staticmethod
def PSI(y_pred_train, y_pred_oot):
"""计算两个数据集评分或预测结果的 PSI
:param y_pred_train: 基准数据集的数值特征,通常为评分卡分数
:param y_pred_oot: 对照数据集的数值特征
:return: float,PSI 指标值
return toad.metrics.PSI(y_pred_train, y_pred_oot)
[文档] @staticmethod
def perf_psi(y_pred_train, y_pred_oot, y_true_train, y_true_oot, keys=["train", "test"], x_limits=None, x_tick_break=50, show_plot=True, return_distr_dat=False):
"""scorecardpy 的 perf_psi 方法,基于两个数据集的画 PSI 图
:param y_pred_train: 基准数据集的数值特征,通常为评分卡分数
:param y_pred_oot: 对照数据集的数值特征
:param y_true_train: 基准数据集的真实标签
:param y_true_oot: 基准数据集的真实标签
:param keys: 基准数据集和对照数据集的名称
:param x_limits: x 轴的区间,默认为 None
:param x_tick_break: 评分区间步长
:param show_plot: 是否显示图像,默认 True
:param return_distr_dat: 是否返回分布数据
:return: dict,PSI 指标 & 图片
return sc.perf_psi(
score={keys[0]: y_pred_train, keys[1]: y_pred_oot},
label={keys[0]: y_true_train, keys[1]: y_true_oot},
[文档] @staticmethod
def score_hist(score, y_true, figsize=(15, 10), bins=20, save=None, **kwargs):
:param score: 数值特征,通常为评分卡分数
:param y_true: 标签值
:param figsize: 图像大小,默认 (15, 10)
:param bins: 分箱数量大小,默认 30
:param save: 图片保存的地址,如果传入路径中有文件夹不存在,会新建相关文件夹,默认 None
:param kwargs: scorecardpipeline.utils.hist_plot 方法的其他参数
hist_plot(score, y_true, figsize=figsize, bins=bins, save=save, **kwargs)
def _format_rule(self, rule, decimal=4, **kwargs):
:param rule: 分箱信息
:param decimal: 精度
:return: dict,评分卡分箱及分数
bins = self.format_bins(rule['bins'])
scores = np.around(rule['scores'], decimals=decimal).tolist()
return dict(zip(bins, scores))
[文档] @staticmethod
def class_steps(pipeline, query):
"""根据 query 查询 pipeline 中对应的 step
:param pipeline: sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline,训练后的数据预处理 pipeline
:param query: 需要查询的类,可以从 pipeline 中查找 WOETransformer 和 Combiner
:return: list,对应的组件
return [v for k, v in pipeline.named_steps.items() if isinstance(v, query)]
[文档] def feature_bin_stats(self, data, feature, rules={}, method='step', max_n_bins=10, desc="评分卡分数", ks=False, **kwargs):
:param data: 需要查看的数据集
:param feature: 数值性特征名称,通常为预测的概率或评分卡分数
:param rules: 自定义的区间划分规则
:param method: 分箱方法
:param max_n_bins: 最大分箱数
:param desc: 特征描述
:param ks: 是否统计 KS 指标并输出相关统计信息
:param kwargs: Combiner.feature_bin_stats 方法的其他参数
:return: pd.DataFrame,评分各区间的统计信息
return Combiner.feature_bin_stats(data, feature, target=self.target, method=method, max_n_bins=max_n_bins, desc=desc, ks=ks, **kwargs)