# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@Time : 2024/2/26 12:00
@Author : itlubber
@Site : itlubber.art
import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
from enum import Enum
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn.utils import check_array
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, recall_score, accuracy_score, precision_score
from .processing import feature_bin_stats, Combiner
from .excel_writer import dataframe2excel
def _get_context(X, feature_names):
return {name: X[:, i] for i, name in enumerate(feature_names)}
def _apply_expr_on_array(expr, X, feature_names):
ctx = _get_context(X, feature_names)
return ne.evaluate(expr, local_dict=ctx)
class RuleState(str, Enum):
INITIALIZED = "initialized"
APPLIED = "applied"
class RuleStateError(RuntimeError):
class RuleUnAppliedError(RuleStateError):
# 中級操作符
op_dict = {"GT": ">", "LT": "<", "EQ": "==", "ADD": "+", "GE": ">=", "LE": "<=", "SUBTRACT": "-", "MULTIPLY": "*", "DIVIDE": "/", "OR": "|", "AND": "&"}
# 数据类型 int, float-->float, 目前不支持 str
value_type_dict = {"int": float, "float": float, "string": str, "bool": bool}
# if_part, then_part, else_part
part_dict = ["if", "then", "else"]
# max_index: 数据的列数 feature_list: 列的名称
[文档]def json2expr(data, max_index, feature_list):
if data.keys()._contains_("operator"):
op = data.get("operator")
params = data.get("params")
if op == "FEATURE_INDEX": # 取变量,一个值{判断变量,索引是否正常}
feature = params[0].get("feature")
if params[0].get("index") >= max_index: # json中的索引异常: index >= 数据列数
raise ValueError("index error")
if feature not in feature_list: # 变量异常:变量名不在数据的列名中
raise ValueError("{} do not belong to the data ".format(feature))
return feature
elif op in op_dict: # 两个值,递归
value_list = [json2expr(params[0], max_index, feature_list), json2expr(params[1], max_index, feature_list)]
return "(" + str(value_list[0]) + op_dict[op] + str(value_list[1]) + ")"
else: # op 不在op_dict报错
raise TypeError("The operator: {} is invalid".format(op))
if data.keys().__contains__("value"):
value_type = data.get("value_type")
value = data["value"]
# 对取到值的类型做转换, 不在类型字典中的值报错
if not value_type_dict.get(value_type):
raise ValueError("Data type error!")
return value_type_dict.get(value_type)(value)
[文档]class Rule:
[文档] def __init__(self, expr): # expr 既可以传递字符串,也可以传递dict
:param expr: 类似 DataFrame 的 query 方法传参方式即可,目前仅支持数值型变量规则
>>> from scorecardpipeline import *
>>> target = "creditability"
>>> data = germancredit()
>>> data[target] = data[target].map({"good": 0, "bad": 1})
>>> data = data.select_dtypes("number") # 暂不支持字符型规则
>>> rule1 = Rule("duration_in_month < 10")
>>> rule2 = Rule("credit_amount < 500")
>>> rule1.report(data, target=target)
>>> rule2.report(data, target=target)
>>> (rule1 | rule2).report(data, target=target)
>>> (rule1 & rule2).report(data, target=target)
self._state = RuleState.INITIALIZED
self.expr = expr
def __str__(self):
return f"Rule({repr(self.expr)})"
def __repr__(self):
return f"Rule({repr(self.expr)})"
[文档] def predict(self, X: DataFrame, part=""): # dict预测对应part_dict 、字符串表达式对应"、"其他情况报错
if not isinstance(X, DataFrame):
raise ValueError("Rule can only predict on DataFrame.")
feature_names = X.columns.values.tolist() # 取数据的列名
X = check_array(X, dtype=None, ensure_2d=True, force_all_finite="allow-nan")
if isinstance(self.expr, dict): # dict部分
if part not in part_dict:
raise TypeError("Part : {} not in ['if','then','else']".format(part))
if not self.expr[part]: # 没有返回值的情况[]
return list()
dict2expr = json2expr(self.expr[part], X.shape[1], feature_names)
if not isinstance(dict2expr, str): # 返回Value (类型已经做过转换),对其扩充 --> [value] * Len(X)
result = [dict2expr] * len(X)
else: # 表达式在进行计算
result = _apply_expr_on_array(dict2expr, X, feature_names)
result = result.tolist()
if not isinstance(result, list): # result 只有一个数值时,对其扩充 --> [value] * len(X)
result = [result] * len(X)
elif isinstance(self.expr, str): # 字符串表达式部分
if part != "":
raise TypeError('The part of the expression must be ""')
result = _apply_expr_on_array(self.expr, X, feature_names)
raise TypeError("Rule currently only supports dict and expression")
self.result_ = result
return result
[文档] def report(self, datasets: pd.DataFrame, target="target", overdue=None, dpd=None, del_grey=False, desc="", filter_cols=None, prior_rules=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
:param datasets: 数据集,需要包含 目标变量 或 逾期天数,当不包含目标变量时,会通过逾期天数计算目标变量,同时需要传入逾期定义的DPD天数
:param target: 目标变量名称,默认 target
:param desc: 规则相关的描述,会出现在返回的表格当中
:param filter_cols: 指定返回的字段列表,默认不传
:param prior_rules: 先验规则,可以传入先验规则先筛选数据后再评估规则效果
:param overdue: 逾期天数字段名称
:param dpd: 逾期定义方式,逾期天数 > DPD 为 1,其他为 0,仅 overdue 字段起作用时有用
:param del_grey: 是否删除逾期天数 (0, dpd] 的数据,仅 overdue 字段起作用时有用
:return: pd.DataFrame,规则效果评估表
return_cols = ['指标名称', "指标含义", '分箱', '样本总数', '样本占比', '好样本数', '好样本占比', '坏样本数', '坏样本占比', '坏样本率', 'LIFT值', '坏账改善']
if desc is None or desc == "" and "指标含义" in return_cols:
rule_expr = self.expr
def _report_one_rule(data, target, desc='', prior_rules=None):
if prior_rules:
prior_tables = prior_rules.report(data, target=target, desc=desc, prior_rules=None)
prior_tables["规则分类"] = "先验规则"
temp = data[~prior_rules.predict(data)]
rule_result = pd.DataFrame({rule_expr: np.where(self.predict(temp), "命中", "未命中"), "target": temp[target].tolist()})
prior_tables = pd.DataFrame(columns=return_cols)
rule_result = pd.DataFrame({rule_expr: np.where(self.predict(data), "命中", "未命中"), "target": data[target].tolist()})
combiner = Combiner(target=target)
combiner.load({rule_expr: [["命中"], ["未命中"]]})
table = feature_bin_stats(rule_result, rule_expr, combiner=combiner, desc=desc, return_cols=return_cols)
# 准确率、精确率、召回率、F1分数
metrics = pd.DataFrame({
"分箱": ["命中", "未命中"],
"准确率": [accuracy_score(rule_result["target"], rule_result[rule_expr].map({"命中": 1, "未命中": 0})), accuracy_score(rule_result["target"], rule_result[rule_expr].map({"命中": 0, "未命中": 1}))],
"精确率": [precision_score(rule_result["target"], rule_result[rule_expr].map({"命中": 1, "未命中": 0})), precision_score(rule_result["target"], rule_result[rule_expr].map({"命中": 0, "未命中": 1}))],
"召回率": [recall_score(rule_result["target"], rule_result[rule_expr].map({"命中": 1, "未命中": 0})), recall_score(rule_result["target"], rule_result[rule_expr].map({"命中": 0, "未命中": 1}))],
"F1分数": [f1_score(rule_result["target"], rule_result[rule_expr].map({"命中": 1, "未命中": 0})), f1_score(rule_result["target"], rule_result[rule_expr].map({"命中": 0, "未命中": 1}))],
table = table.merge(metrics, on="分箱", how="left")
if prior_rules:
# prior_tables.insert(loc=0, column="规则分类", value=["先验规则"] * len(prior_tables))
table.insert(loc=0, column="规则分类", value=["验证规则"] * len(table))
table = pd.concat([prior_tables, table]) #.set_index(["规则分类"])
table.insert(loc=0, column="规则分类", value=["验证规则"] * len(table))
return table
if isinstance(del_grey, bool) and del_grey:
merge_columns = ["规则分类", "指标名称", "分箱"]
merge_columns = ["规则分类", "指标名称", "分箱", "样本总数", "样本占比"]
if overdue is not None:
if not isinstance(overdue, list):
overdue = [overdue]
if not isinstance(dpd, list):
dpd = [dpd]
for i, col in enumerate(overdue):
for j, d in enumerate(dpd):
_datasets = datasets.copy()
_datasets[f"{col}_{d}"] = (_datasets[col] > d).astype(int)
if isinstance(del_grey, bool) and del_grey:
_datasets = _datasets.query(f"({col} > {d}) | ({col} == 0)").reset_index(drop=True)
if "指标含义" in return_cols:
merge_columns.insert(0, "指标含义")
if i == 0 and j == 0:
table = _report_one_rule(_datasets, f"{col}_{d}", desc=desc, prior_rules=prior_rules) #.rename(columns={"坏账改善": f"{col} {d}+改善"})
table.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("规则详情", c) if c in merge_columns else (f"{col} DPD{d}+", c) for c in table.columns])
_table = _report_one_rule(_datasets, f"{col}_{d}", desc=desc, prior_rules=prior_rules) #.rename(columns={"坏账改善": f"{col} {d}+改善"})
_table.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("规则详情", c) if c in merge_columns else (f"{col} DPD{d}+", c) for c in _table.columns])
# table = table.merge(_table[["规则分类", "分箱", f"{col} {d}+改善"]], on=["规则分类", "分箱"])
table = table.merge(_table, on=[("规则详情", c) for c in merge_columns])
_datasets = datasets.copy()
table = _report_one_rule(_datasets, target, desc=desc, prior_rules=prior_rules)
if filter_cols:
if not isinstance(filter_cols, list):
filter_cols = [filter_cols]
return table[[c for c in table.columns if (isinstance(c, tuple) and c[-1] in filter_cols + merge_columns) or (not isinstance(c, tuple) and c in filter_cols + merge_columns)]]
return table
[文档] def result(self):
if self._state != RuleState.APPLIED:
raise RuleUnAppliedError("Invoke `predict` to make a rule applied.")
return self.result_
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Rule):
raise TypeError(f"Input should be of type Rule, got {type(other)} instead.")
if self._state != other._state:
raise RuleStateError(f"Input rule should be of the same state.")
res = self.expr == other.expr
if self._state == RuleState.INITIALIZED:
return res
return res and np.all(self.result() == other.result())
# rule combinations
def __or__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Rule):
raise TypeError(f"Input should be of type Rule, got {type(other)} instead.")
if self._state != other._state:
raise RuleStateError(f"Input rule should be of the same state.")
if isinstance(self.expr, str):
r = Rule(f"({self.expr}) | ({other.expr})")
if self._state == RuleState.INITIALIZED:
return r
r.result_ = np.logical_or(self.result(), other.result())
r._state = RuleState.APPLIED
return r
elif isinstance(self.expr, dict):
self.new_dict = {} # 汇总成新的json
self.new_dict["name"] = str(self.expr.get("name")) + str(other.expr.get("name"))
self.new_dict["description"] = str(self.expr.get("description")) + " || " + str(other.expr.get("description"))
self.new_dict["output"] = self.expr.get("output")
# if_part
if_dict = {}
if_dict["value_type"] = "bool"
if_dict["operator"] = "OR"
if_dict["params"] = list()
self.new_dict["if"] = if_dict
# then_part
then_part = {}
if not self.expr.get("then") and not other.expr.get("then"): # 两条规则的then都为空
then_part = {}
elif not self.expr.get("then"): # 一条规则的then存在
then_part = other.expr.get("then")
elif not other.expr.get("then"):
then_part = self.expr.get("then")
else: # 两条规则的then都存在
if self.expr.get("then").get("value_type") != other.expr.get("then").get("value_type"):
raise TypeError("两个规则then_part类型要一致")
if self.expr.get("then").get("value_type") != "bool":
raise TypeError("两个规则之间or运算, 类型需要设置为bool类型")
then_part["value_type"] = "bool"
then_part["operator"] = "OR"
then_part["params"] = list()
self.new_dict["then"] = then_part
# else_part
else_part = {} # self.else或者other.else存在为空的情况
if not self.expr.get("else") and not other.expr.get("else"):
else_part = {}
elif not self.expr.get("else"): # 一条规则的then存在
else_part = other.expr.get("else")
elif not other.expr.get("else"):
else_part = self.expr.get("else")
if self.expr.get("then").get("value_type") != other.expr.get("then").get("value_type"):
raise TypeError("两个规则else part类型要一致")
if self.expr.get("then").get("value_type") != "bool":
raise TypeError("两个规则之间or运算, 类型需要设置为bool类型")
else_part["value_type"] = "bool"
else_part["operator"] = "OR"
else_part["params"] = list()
self.new_dict["else"] = else_part
return Rule(self.new_dict)
def __and__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Rule):
raise TypeError(f"Input should be of type Rule, got {type(other)} instead.")
if self._state != other._state:
raise RuleStateError(f"Input rule should be of the same state.")
if isinstance(self.expr, str): # 表达式
r = Rule(f"({self.expr}) & ({other.expr})")
if self._state == RuleState.INITIALIZED:
return r
r.result_ = np.logical_and(self.result(), other.result())
r._state = RuleState.APPLIED
return r
elif isinstance(self.expr, dict): # dict
self.new_dict = {} # 汇总成新的json
self.new_dict["name"] = str(self.expr.get("name")) + str(other.expr.get("name"))
self.new_dict["description"] = str(self.expr.get("description")) + " && " + str(other.expr.get("description"))
self.new_dict["output"] = self.expr.get("output")
# if_part
if_dict = {}
if_dict["value_type"] = "bool"
if_dict["operator"] = "AND"
if_dict["params"] = list()
self.new_dict["if"] = if_dict
# then_part
then_part = {}
if not self.expr.get("then") and not other.expr.get("then"): # 两条规则的then都为空
then_part = {}
elif not self.expr.get("then"): # 一条规则的then存在
then_part = other.expr.get("then")
elif not other.expr.get("then"):
then_part = self.expr.get("then")
else: # 两条规则的then都存在
if self.expr["then"].get("value_type") != other.expr["then"].get("value_type"):
raise TypeError("两个规则then_part类型要一致")
if self.expr.get("then").get("value_type") != "bool":
raise TypeError("两个规则之间and运算, 类型需要设置为bool类型")
then_part["value_type"] = "bool"
then_part["operator"] = "AND"
then_part["params"] = list()
self.new_dict["then"] = then_part
# else_part
else_part = {} # self.else 或者other.else 存在为空的情况
if not self.expr.get("else") and not other.expr.get("else"):
else_part = {}
elif not self.expr.get("else"): # 一条规则的then存在
else_part = other.expr.get("else")
elif not other.expr.get("else"):
else_part = self.expr.get("else")
if self.expr.get("else").get("value_type") != other.expr.get("else").get("value_type"):
raise TypeError("两个规则else_part类型要一致")
if self.expr.get("then").get("value_type") != "bool":
raise TypeError("两个规则之间and运算, 类型需要设置为bool类型")
else_part["value_type"] = "bool"
else_part["operator"] = "AND"
else_part["params"] = list()
self.new_dict["else"] = else_part
return Rule(self.new_dict)
def __xor__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Rule):
raise TypeError(f"Input should be of type Rule, got {type(other)} instead.")
if self._state != other._state:
raise RuleStateError(f"Input rule should be of the same state.")
r = Rule(f"({self.expr}) ^ ({other.expr})")
if self._state == RuleState.INITIALIZED:
return r
r.result_ = np.logical_xor(self.result(), other.result())
r._state = RuleState.APPLIED
return r
def __mul__(self, other):
return self.__or__(other)
def __invert__(self):
r = Rule(f"~({self.expr})")
if self._state == RuleState.INITIALIZED:
return r
r.result_ = np.logical_not(self.result())
r._state = RuleState.APPLIED
return r
[文档] @staticmethod
def save(report, excel_writer, sheet_name=None, merge_column=None, percent_cols=None, condition_cols=None, custom_cols=None, custom_format="#,##0", color_cols=None, start_col=2, start_row=2, **kwargs):
"""保存规则结果至excel中,参数与 https://scorecardpipeline.itlubber.art/scorecardpipeline.html#scorecardpipeline.dataframe2excel 一致
if merge_column:
merge_column = [c for c in report.columns if (isinstance(c, tuple) and c[-1] in merge_column) or (not isinstance(c, tuple) and c in merge_column)]
if percent_cols:
percent_cols = [c for c in report.columns if (isinstance(c, tuple) and c[-1] in percent_cols) or (not isinstance(c, tuple) and c in percent_cols)]
if condition_cols:
condition_cols = [c for c in report.columns if (isinstance(c, tuple) and c[-1] in condition_cols) or (not isinstance(c, tuple) and c in condition_cols)]
if custom_cols:
custom_cols = [c for c in report.columns if (isinstance(c, tuple) and c[-1] in custom_cols) or (not isinstance(c, tuple) and c in custom_cols)]
if color_cols:
color_cols = [c for c in report.columns if (isinstance(c, tuple) and c[-1] in color_cols) or (not isinstance(c, tuple) and c in color_cols)]
end_row, end_col = dataframe2excel(report, excel_writer, sheet_name=sheet_name, merge_column=merge_column, percent_cols=percent_cols, condition_cols=condition_cols, custom_cols=custom_cols, custom_format=custom_format, color_cols=color_cols, start_col=start_col, start_row=start_row, **kwargs)
return end_row, end_col